Abutilon x suntense 'Deep Magic'

Common Name:

Plant Type:
Evergreen shrub
Malvaceae (The Mallow Family)
Geographic Origin:
South America
California Native?:
Plant Size:
4-5 feet high and wide
Landscape/Garden Uses:
Flowering Season:
Summer and fall
Flower Color:
Sun or light shade
Most soils
Suggested Irrigation:
Moderate watering
Estimated Hardiness:
Hardy to 15-20 degrees F.
A. x suntense is a hybrid remade many times between A. vitifolium and A. ochsenii. It is upright but fairly compact, with large, pointed leaves. Both stems and leaves have a dense felt of pale hairs. The flowers are borne in large clusters at the shoot tips, those of 'Deep Magic' being about 3 inches across, wide-open, and nearly violet in color. It is several degrees hardier than the typical flowering maple hybrids.