Bomarea Orange Yellow

Rare and Unusual

Our interest at Suncrest is in exploring the diversity of the plant kingdom for beautiful plants adaptable to cultivation in coastal California. Some of our offerings are widely shared in the nursery industry; many others, especially those from the wild and gifts from other plant enthusiasts, are either unusual or genuinely rare. Their beauty, not their rarity, is the object. But it is worth noting when something is out of the ordinary line of cultivated plants.

Select A Letter Below
Plant Name Capsule Description
Penstemon palmeri Long spikes of fragrant pink flowers, toothed grey green leaves.
Penstemon procerus var. formosus Matting penstemon with green leaves; blue purple flowers.
Penstemon roseus Clumping, to 2 feet. Narrow leaves, intense purplish red flowers. Smaller scale than P. gloxinioides hybrids.
Penstemon rostriflorus (bridgesii) To 3 feet. Red tubular flowers bloom summer and fall. Green leaves.
Penstemon rydbergii Meadow penstemon, to 2 feet. Low green leaves; blue purple flowers.
Penstemon secundiflorus Clumping, to 2 feet tall. Grey-green leaves, bright light purple flowers.
Penstemon speciosus x ? Low green leaves; 2 foot spikes of bright blue flowers.
Penstemon spectabilis Sturdy, 3 feet+; large toothed leaves, blue purple flowers.
Penstemon strictus Dark green low leaves, clumping. 2 foot stems of rich blue purple flowers.
Phacelia bolanderi Perennial. Low grey-green leaves; heads of lavender blue flowers.
Phacelia californica Neat clumps of dark-grey leaves, heads of lilac flowers on 16 inch stems. Perennial.
Philadelphus microphyllus 'Desert Snow' 4-5 feet. Twiggy. Felted leaves. Fragrant white flowers, summer.
Phlomis cretica 18 inches high by 3 feet wide. Fuzzy yellowish leaves, bright yellow flowers.
Phlomis lanata To 3 feet high. Furry stems and 1 inch rounded leaves. Yellow flowers.
Phlomis monocephala To 4 feet, dense. Golden leaves; yellow flowers.
Phlomis purpurea To 5 feet, bushy. Grey-green leaves, lavender pink flowers.
Phyllostachys bissettii 'Dwarf' To 18 feet. Running bamboo, whitish patches on medium green culms.
Phyllostachys dulcis Sweetshoot bamboo. To 40 feet high. Hardy. Spreading.
Phyllostachys mannii To 20 feet, slender stems, dense brushes of dark green leaves.
Phyllostachys praecox To 30 feet high. Dense habit. 4 inch long dark, shiny leaves. Spreading.

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