Philadelphus lewisii 'Covelo'

Common Name:
Mock orange
Plant Type:
Deciduous shrub
Hydrangeaceae (formerly in Philadelphaceae)
Geographic Origin:
California Native?:
Plant Size:
5-8 feet high
Landscape/Garden Uses:
Foundation plantings
Flowering Season:
Spring and summer
Flower Color:
Sun or light shade
Most soils
Suggested Irrigation:
Moderate to occasional watering
Estimated Hardiness:
Hardy to 0 degrees F. or less
This California native mock orange develops into a large, closely branched shrub, with arching trunks reaching 8 feet, the bark light brown turning to grey. The 3 inch leaves are conspicuously toothed, pointed-oval in shape and light green in color. For several weeks in summer the plants are decorated by showers of fragrant, single, pure white blossoms up to 2 inches across. Sun, most soils, moderate to little watering when established. Hardy to 0 degrees F. or below.