California Natives at Suncrest Nurseries Inc.

Though Suncrest Nurseries offers interesting plants from several continents, including much of the United States, a few of us are almost obsessively devoted to the native plants of California. We regularly stalk the wilds, always with at least a semiconscious "eye out" for potentially gardenworthy natives, and we bring back seeds and cuttings from nearly every trip. We also rely on friends at several California botanic gardens, and on passionate native plant gardeners, who bring us their plant treasures for trial and possible introduction. All in all, it may be the best part of our work here, and we're privileged to be able to contribute a wide offering of beautiful natives to California horticulture.

You'll find a lengthy list of our native offerings below, organized by pages to make it a bit more manageable. Click on the name of any plant on the list for a fuller display of plant characteristics and cultural needs and possibilities. Also be sure to download our flyer on native plants from the Publications page of this site, for easy reference offline.

Select A Letter Below
Plant Name Capsule Description
Salvia mellifera 'Sweet Honey' 3-4 feet. Sweetly aromatic green leaves, dense habit. Selected for good flavor.
Salvia 'Mrs. Beard' Grey leaves on a spreading shrub; small lavender flowers in spring. Great groundcover for dry garden.
Salvia pachyphylla 3 feet. Silver leaves; heads with rose-colored bracts, deep blue flowers.
Salvia 'Pozo Blue' Salvia clevelandii hybrid. Bright lavender-blue flowers, aromatic leaves.
Salvia 'Shirley's Creeper' 3 feet high, 6 feet wide. Textured green leaves, cream flowers.
Salvia sonomensis 'Fremont's Carpet' Carpeting subshrub. Narrow furry leaves, blue purple flowers in sprng.
Salvia sonomensis 'Gorda' Furry grey leaves, blue-purple flowers in spring. 8-12 inches high, 3-4 feet wide.
Salvia sonomensis 'Pine Canyon' Tight form of Sonoma sage. Rounded grey-green leaves, lavender flowers.
Salvia sonomensis--Shasta strain Low spreading sage for dry, rocky slopes. Lavender fls.
Salvia spathacea Dense spreading clumps of fragrant green leaves. Magenta flowers.
Salvia spathacea 'King Crimson' Large green, fragrant basal leaves; dark magenta flowers on 3 foot stalks.
Salvia 'Starlight' California native hybrid sage. Grey leaves, long wands of white flowers.
Salvia 'Whirly Blue' Salvia clevelandii hybrid. Bright lavender-blue flowers, aromatic leaves.
Sambucus mexicana (nigra ssp. caerulea) Blue elderberry. White flowers, blue berries. California native.
Satureja (Clinopodium) douglasii Yerba buena; trailing perennial with small aromatic green leaves.
Scrophularia californica--green fl. Leafy perennial, to 5 feet. Feeds bees, butterflies. Small green flowers.
Scutellaria siphocampyloides Spreading perennial to 12 inches high. Blue purple flowers, slender stems.
Sedum lanceolatum Matting succulent; narrow grey leaves; yellow flowers.
Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' Matting succulent; rosettes of grey leaves. Starry yellow flowers.
Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum' Tight mat; purple-tinged leaves, yellow flowers.

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